Saturday, October 20, 2007


She said yes! lol Actually, the surprising thing is that I managed to surprise her. I had to be quite the jerk in order to convince her that I did not yet have a ring, and succeeded in doing so. After a day of shopping and looking at engagement rings (to get an idea of what she liked!), we went to Horseplay Niagara close to Lake Erie in south Wainfleet. We went horseback riding together with a guide by the old quarry, along the beach at the lake, and back around by the quarry. We got off the horses and hitched them in the woods, then walked a few minutes to the edge of the quarry. The guide left us to enjoy a picnic basket full of food and Champanade, but before we dug in, I popped the question- and Rebecca's eyes just about popped out of her head! But she did say yes- we've set the date for May 31, 2008. Let the planning begin!

We would like to thank you all for your support and prayers- and covet them still. Above all, we thank our heavenly Father for directing our lives in such rich ways to afford us the pleasure and comfort of one another's love and support. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Prayer Request

Things are going very well here in Philadelphia. There is much reading to do and assignments due every week; but the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. On the positive side, however, the more I learn, the more precious the Christ of the gospel becomes! I can see His guiding hand in my life here, as He continues His sanctifying work of uncovering my sinfulness through the situations I face as well as revealing the perfection of His work that He has begun in my life.

Which leads me to my prayer request: today we had a presentation at WTS from an organization called Harvest USA. This non-profit ministry seeks to "proclaim Christ as Lord to a sexually broken world". They offer free counseling, some one-on-one but also in group settings, seeking to help those who battle with sexual sins and/or are trying to help those who are so burdened. The goals of this ministry struck a chord with me: this is why I came to Philadelphia.

I am excited to share with you, therefore, that Harvest USA, based here in Philadelphia, is resurrecting an internship program for seminary students and church leaders. This would involve training through reading and discussions with a mentor one-on-one as well as in a group setting with a certified Biblical counselor present to give instruction and feedback. Aslo included is an opportunity to counsel with a mentor, eventually working toward counseling one-on-one with a counselee. What an awesome opportunity this presents for more focussed learning and training in the area of sexual brokenness!

However, they hope to only take on 4 males and 4 females, to begin interning in January. So, I ask that you would make this a matter of prayer that God would open this door for me, and thereby use this internship to sanctify me and teach me more about Him, with the intent of being equipped for service in His kingdom in this sphere of counseling. Please also remember to ask that He will direct me in the way that He wants me to go should this not be His will, but that He would make the way clear.

Thank you for all your prayers already. I thank God that He has allowed me to taste of his mercy and goodness by bringing me into the Body of Christ and be able to share these things with you, and fellowship with you as well. God's blessings to you and your families.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

'Just a thought'

" A heart humbled by God's terrible majesty can begin its recovery and grow strong. Sin can't thrive in a humble heart."
Kris Lundgaard
The Enemy Within
p. 128