Thursday, February 28, 2008

'Just a thought'

"Being the sum and substance of all the positive gifts of God to us in their highest form, heaven is of itself able to evoke in our hearts positive love, such absorbing love as can render us at times forgetful of the earthly strife. In such moments the transcendent beauty of the other shore and the irresistible current of our deepest life lift us above every regard of wind or wave. We know that through weather fair or foul our ship is bound straight for its eternal port."

In regard to Christian service, "every task should be at the same time a means of grace from and an incentive to work for heaven. There has been One greater than Abraham, who lived his life in absolute harmony with this principle, in whom the fullest absorption in this earthly calling could not for a moment disturb the consciousness of being a child of heaven."

~Gerhaardus Vos

Another Brief Update

Well, last week was great with Rebecca here. Praise God she made it home safe, though the highways were snow-covered and generally horrible to drive on. For the first 150-200 miles there was 3 inches of snow causing her to lose traction most of the way, even going onto the shoulder several times, also ending up with a flat tire. However, God was gracious and preserved her from harm, and she had the nail removed from the tire and patched for. While she was here, she also had an awesome time getting her first real taste of life at WTS- she came with me to all my classes and found it really enjoyable. Of course, now there is extra catching up to do...

So I am right in the thick of things, and of course, here comes an unexpected car repair bill- over $500 for new brakes. Ouch! Things are getting a bit worrisome now with finances- the wedding coming up, and all. But we trust where God has us is where He wants us- we must depend on Him for all things, including our daily bread, right? This is sometimes easier said than done.

But I am looking forward to coming home for the March break. More than that, today I was reading an article on heavenly-mindedness based on Hebrews 11 ('Just a thought' above) which reminded me that I need to set my sights on the rest that is promised to me in Christ. There, in the kingdom which cannot be shaken, I will be free from sin and the cares of this earth that often weigh me down, and will live forever before the face of God. Will I meet you there?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Brief Update

Hey y'all,

Just a brief update- life has been busy as usual, or really, not so usual, but busy nonetheless. My folks came down last weekend and I was able to spend some quality time with them. Thanks for coming down! We toured part of the historical downtown area, and stopped for dinner at the Reading Terminal Market. The next night they treated me to dinner at a German restaurant. Ach du liebe!

This weekend will be another busy one. I have been cramming to get my course work done for one of my January classes, but that is boring news. Rebecca is coming to see me!! YIPPEEE!! Of course this means that I ahve to cram in as much work this week as possible, because next week I may just probably might not quite get all the work done that I need to. Time to put self-discipline into pratice on a whole other level.

Sorry for all y'all who like to read my work on my other blog (see link at top). I got a little behind and felt rather ambitious tonight to post, so there are a few new postings there :S

So, now that you know how things are going here, how 'bout dropping me a line and letting me know how things are going in your neck of the woods? (see email address on this page if you don't have it).

I would also like to ask for your prayers throughout this semester particularly as classes are much more practical, and also in conjunction with my internship at Harvest USA. I have such an opportunity to put into play what I have been learning and I am afraid I will simply turn this all into another academic exercise. Please ray that God will continue to change my heart as I work through these means of learning and application. Thanks.

I won't be in town until mid March, the Lord willing. I pray that he will bless and keep you all.