Monday, November 26, 2007

Exam Time!

Hey, y'all,

The end of the semester is here! I am now in my final week, cramming in 7 papers and trying unsuccessfully to catch up on reading. The weather here in Philadelphia is less than desirable, too. Being cooped up in my room while it is grey and gloomy outside begins to wear on a person, and loneliness readily creeps in. But, applying a Biblical principle, I press on looking toward the goal. Thank you all for your prayers; please keep me in prayer this week as I finnish out my semester, and in the ensuing weeks as exams approach.

I am coming home, God willing, at the end of this week, and will be home to study for a week before I have to return for exams. I would love to see you all, and am already looking forward to taking breaks in my study days just to hang out if you are available. (You will be able to reach me at my folks' place or Rebecca's ;-)

A special thanks for the wonderful book that Cole, Lucas, and Isaac made for me and mailed to me here in Philly. What an awesome surprise! I love you guys!

Friday, November 9, 2007

'Just a thought'

"If our conversations do not help people become satisfied in God through suffering [italics mine], then God will not be glorified, Christ will not be honored, the church will be a weakling in an escapist world of ease, and the completion of the Great Commission with its demand for martyrdom will fail."

"God has ordained that our conversations become deeper and more winsome as we are broken, humbled, made low and desperately dependent on grace by the trials of our lives."

John Piper
Counseling with Suffering People
The Journal of Biblical Counseling
winter 2003, pp. 19; 24

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Too Busy?

Sorry to those of you who check it regularly to see how I am doing. Things are getting busier and busier, and with final papers due in just a few weeks, I am starting to feel the stress level rise. This past weekend I had the privilege of attending the CCEF annual conference, just a half hour from where I am living in Roslyn, PA. The highlight, of course, was the Rebecca came down for the conference, so I got to see her 5 days in a row! Others from the Vineland area were down, too, and it truly was a blessing to have them here for dinner last Saturday- welcome to my world!

However, what goes up must come down, and if not for the pressing business, life would seem rather lonely- actually, at times it is, but the business makes up for it. I realized today that I have a God who is so accessible, and so willing to enter into relationship with me that He sent His Son do die on the cross to make the possibility of such a relationship a reality- and by my actions I demonstrate that I really do not appreciate Him for that.

I suppose that I am not alone in this, because even here in the seminary, many people admit that their devotional time is not up to snuff. Myself included. I can spend hours and hours on the phone with my wife-to-be, but spend so little time getting to know my Bridegroom-to-be. Foolish, huh?

I am immersed in gospel truths day in and day out, and I complain because it becomes burdensome. I wonder if God feels the same way about me. Does He weary of calling to me to return to Him? To spend time in intimate communion with Him? To tell him how my day went and to thank Him for the glorious truths about His person that He reveals to me and with these enthralls my soul?

Pray with me that He will as our faithful Father continue to reveal to us in new and special ways the length and width and depth and height of His love for us. I believe it was Spurgeon who said, Imagine yourself alone at the foot of the cross. See Jesus hanging their in pain-wracked naked shame, and ask yourself: "Who did God love more?"

Please remember me in the coming weeks, with papers and exams due. But most of all, pray that I will take the time to spend in holy communion with the Lover of my soul. If there are specific ways I can pray for you or your loved ones, please let me know via email- it will help hold me accountable to join with you in prayer. Blessings.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


She said yes! lol Actually, the surprising thing is that I managed to surprise her. I had to be quite the jerk in order to convince her that I did not yet have a ring, and succeeded in doing so. After a day of shopping and looking at engagement rings (to get an idea of what she liked!), we went to Horseplay Niagara close to Lake Erie in south Wainfleet. We went horseback riding together with a guide by the old quarry, along the beach at the lake, and back around by the quarry. We got off the horses and hitched them in the woods, then walked a few minutes to the edge of the quarry. The guide left us to enjoy a picnic basket full of food and Champanade, but before we dug in, I popped the question- and Rebecca's eyes just about popped out of her head! But she did say yes- we've set the date for May 31, 2008. Let the planning begin!

We would like to thank you all for your support and prayers- and covet them still. Above all, we thank our heavenly Father for directing our lives in such rich ways to afford us the pleasure and comfort of one another's love and support. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Prayer Request

Things are going very well here in Philadelphia. There is much reading to do and assignments due every week; but the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. On the positive side, however, the more I learn, the more precious the Christ of the gospel becomes! I can see His guiding hand in my life here, as He continues His sanctifying work of uncovering my sinfulness through the situations I face as well as revealing the perfection of His work that He has begun in my life.

Which leads me to my prayer request: today we had a presentation at WTS from an organization called Harvest USA. This non-profit ministry seeks to "proclaim Christ as Lord to a sexually broken world". They offer free counseling, some one-on-one but also in group settings, seeking to help those who battle with sexual sins and/or are trying to help those who are so burdened. The goals of this ministry struck a chord with me: this is why I came to Philadelphia.

I am excited to share with you, therefore, that Harvest USA, based here in Philadelphia, is resurrecting an internship program for seminary students and church leaders. This would involve training through reading and discussions with a mentor one-on-one as well as in a group setting with a certified Biblical counselor present to give instruction and feedback. Aslo included is an opportunity to counsel with a mentor, eventually working toward counseling one-on-one with a counselee. What an awesome opportunity this presents for more focussed learning and training in the area of sexual brokenness!

However, they hope to only take on 4 males and 4 females, to begin interning in January. So, I ask that you would make this a matter of prayer that God would open this door for me, and thereby use this internship to sanctify me and teach me more about Him, with the intent of being equipped for service in His kingdom in this sphere of counseling. Please also remember to ask that He will direct me in the way that He wants me to go should this not be His will, but that He would make the way clear.

Thank you for all your prayers already. I thank God that He has allowed me to taste of his mercy and goodness by bringing me into the Body of Christ and be able to share these things with you, and fellowship with you as well. God's blessings to you and your families.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

'Just a thought'

" A heart humbled by God's terrible majesty can begin its recovery and grow strong. Sin can't thrive in a humble heart."
Kris Lundgaard
The Enemy Within
p. 128

Monday, September 24, 2007

'Just a thought'

"You stir up man to take pleasure in praising You, because You have made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You."
Book I.i.1

Thursday, September 20, 2007

'Just a thought'

In response to counseling with the claim "God loves you just as you are. God has unconditional love for you." David Powlison writes:

"The Gospel is better than unconditional love. The Gospel says, "God accepts you just as Christ is. God has 'contraconditional' love for you." Christ bears the curse you deserve. Christ is fully pleasing to the Father and gives you His own perfect goodness. Christ reigns in power, making you the Father's child and coming close to you to begin to change what is unacceptable to God about you. God never accepts me "as I am." He accepts me "as I am in Christ." The center of gravity is different. The true Gospel does not allow God's love to be sucked into the vortex of the soul's lust for acceptability and worth in and of itself. Rather, it radically decenters people-- what the Bible calls "fear of the Lord" and "faith"-- to look outside themselves."

~David Powlison
The Journal of Biblical Counseling,
Vol. 13.2, 1995
Praise God for his unspeakable riches in Christ!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"...For He both hears and answers prayer"

With praise to our God and heavenly Father, 'who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ', has also granted that Rebecca and I may pursue a closer relationship. We are overjoyed, to say the least. God in His amazing grace has placed us in the loving family of His church; this family has helped us over the past few months, and even years, in ways which are difficult to express. He is more than worthy to be thanked and praised; it is also fitting to share our joy with you, and to thank you for the many prayers and support you have shown us. Though the road has not been smooth, we can testify to the faithfulness of Christ who has been with us every step of the way- and we know He will continue to be. Please continue to uphold us in your prayers; although God continues to work in us, we are still broken people in need of much change.

"Oh, magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together."

~Psalm 34:3

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works"

~Hebrews 10:23-24

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Westminster Thoelogical Seminary

Thought it would be a good idea to post some pictures of the WTS campus- all four buildings of it. I had International Student Orientation today; tomorrow, general orientation. This provided (and I trust will provide) the opportunity to start making connections and building relationships.

WTS Bookstore

(see link at top of blog)

Machen Hall Administration and Housing building


Machen Hall

Van Til Hall

Auditorium and classrooms

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Safe and Sound!

Hey, y'all,

I have safely arrived at my home away from home yesterday at 6:15 pm. What a different experience living so far from home. I think at this point the newness of it all is keeping me sane.

God has been good, though, there is no doubt in that. The border guard gave me a hard time because I brought most of my tools over with me. He wasn't too happy, and threatened that they might not let me through . . . and that was it. Miracle #1. Then, inside the customs and immigration office, they asked for proof of finances, to prove to them that I would not end up a public ward and leech off the American system- as if :S Anyway, I had nothing, since much of the proof they were asking for was confidential and sent directly to WTS. So, I prayed. The guy said he had to talk to his supervisor, but it looked like I wouldn't be able to get my visa processed. The only "proof" of finances I had was a letter from WTS stating that I had "documented sufficient financial resources for [my] study at Westminster Seminary" and that I was admitted into the program. I continued to pray for a miracle as the guy talked with his supervisor, and God heard that prayer. They processed the visa on the good word of the Seminary, which apparently is unusual. Praise God! I signed the documents and got outta there before they had a chance to change their minds.

So that was the beginning of quite a long and tiring drive. A construction impediments, a roll-over accident, and two pit stops later, I arrived at my destination.

My address here is 2450 Norwood Ave., Roslyn, PA 19001

Next week I have orientation and meet-and-greets on Tuesday and Wednesday, and my classes start Sept. 6, so I probably will have time for some sightseeing. I'll keep you posted.

Please continue to pray for me, especially for this coming week. Thanks, and God bless!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

... Yes, I'm Back!!

My humblest apologies to all who were disappointed by the abrupt interruption in the blogging! I had 5 flights in the last week of my trip, which afforded little time to blog. However, having caught up with many friends this week, I have dedicated this afternoon to updating the world on my final exploits in Peru.

We spent the first few days in Lima visiting several placements we worked at last year, as well as some that I did not visit. The shantytown of Las Gardenias was a pleasure to see, because the work that we helped out with has been ongoing. The staircase that we built has been painted, the school yard upgraded with a concrete pad, and a new playground has been built. It was really cool to see that the non-defeatist attitude and the living conditions improving for those who continue to work hard there despite having so little.

The Staircase and School in Las Gardenias

Having fun at a school for disabled children

We also visited a school where 5 students are currently teaching. Again, the vision of the local people and the determination to make the best of what they have is really incredible. With literally zero rain per year, the community has set up a fog-collection system to water the gardens and woods in and around the school ground, and are continuing to expand up the dry, deserted mountain, and hope to add a college for the students in the near future. There are already separate boys (San Pedro) and girls (Villa Caritas- both private) schools; excess money from tuition goes to support the small fledgling schools in the shantytowns run by the Christian Life Movement.

San Pedro/ Villa Caritas

The following Monday we flew into the Andes to the city of Cuzco. Cuzco, the City of Kings is situated in the Sacred Valley, and was the capital of the Inka Empire.

Our view of the Andes from the plane

After spending the afternoon acclimatizing, I spent the next day shopping at the Inka handcrafts market. Early Wednesday morning we set out by train (4 1/2 hours) to Machu Picchu. My dream was to climb Mt. Waynapicchu, the opposing mountain overlooking Machu Picchu. There are ruins built at he summit, with lookouts over the ancient citadel. the train arrived a half hour later that expected, and our guide was skeptical that we would be allowed to climb Waynapicchu because of the time, and there are only 400 visitors per day allowed to climb. Taking the next available bus up to Machu Picchu, we raced to the entrance of the city, only to be told that it didn't seem like climbing the mountain was likely- boy, was I bummed!! Stubborn as I am, I decided to check into it anyway, perhaps even to find a way to sneak past the checkpoint. When we arrived, we found out that there were 4 openings left, and we could still go!!! I was elated.

Machu Picchu, with Waynapicchu in the back

Halfway up, I started to rethink my decision; the climb was arduous to say the least. After 1 hour and 15 minutes, we reached to pinnacle. How can I describe it? You simply have to go there some day! Check out some of the pix:

Close to the summit- check out the road going up to Machu Picchu on the left!

The view was spectacular!

After we had returned to Lima, I was ready to return home. I really missed assembling on Sundays with my church family, and I definitely missed my friends. However, I can testify that the Lord used many events and sights to teach me more about who He is; I've learned to trust Him when there were events happening that were outside of my control.And I believe that He allowed me to be more open about my faith in Him in discussion with others on the trip- i pray that the seeds sewn on this trip will bear much fruit to the honour and glory of His name. If this is so, the whole trip will have been more than worth it!

As an appendix, I found out that my visa to attend Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia is in the mail, and I have also been offered a partial scholarship for studies beginning this fall. God has demonstrated His goodness and leading as doors continue to open for me in this area of my life. I will try to keep you all posted on further developments.

Thanks for welcoming me home!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

Bienvenidos a Argentina

Wow, this blogging thing is actually a lot of work. I finally have some time today, after a weekof travelling, sight seeing, intense conversations and nuch lack of sleep to send you an update. I am currently in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, population 20 million- small considering the greater Sao Paulo area of Brazil has 32 million. These cities are huge. Even Rio is large, at about 12 million. Argentina is nice- at least what we have seen of it. It is the beginning of winter here, the leaves are falling off the trees, the parrots are making a rucous in the trees and last night the temperature dropped to zero- yeah, its cold. We came here from Buzios, as my previous update briefly indicated, which is a quaint little resort down 2 1/2 hours down the coast from Rio. There, we went swimming, surfing, and took a three hour boat tour (but did not get shipwrecked). We spent the better part of 24 hours traveling to Argentina, and arrived on Saturday early afternoon. We took an easy day of mostly eating and resting, then went out for a city tour and a coffee.

Sunday was interesting- I went to a Protestant service, which I think was more Anglican, but I was able to understand at least in part the sermon. In the evening, we gathered as a group to pray, sing, and read Scripture. Eacj person took turns opening the Bible and reading the passage they opened to, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide each person and to apply each passage to the individual. It is kinda hard to explain the process in a few words, but I hope you get the gist of it. To me this idea was kind a wierd at first, but once we began, the Spirit really hit home with almost everyone, and the passages that were randomly chosen spoke loudly and clearly to many of us. There were times when some were touched to tears, and I was as well at some of the passages speaking so relevantly and clearly to people. However, I still have this nagging feeling that these seeds that were sown will be readily and esily plucked away. Please, please, pray for these people that are on this trip with me, myself included, that Gods Word will bear much fruit in our lives, and have seving effect in the hearts of those here who do not yet know him.

Tomorrow evening we begin our return trip to Brazil, then I will be off to Peru for a week. I miss you all very much- there is much comaraderie here and I am having a good time, but at the same time I miss the spiritual food I receive being under the Reformed preaching of the word and in conversation with Gods people. I will soon be needing to really recharge my spiritual batteries. See you all soon!

At one of the beaches in Buzios

Our retreat house in Buenos Aires- this is actually the house of the Arch Bishop of Buenos Aires which is rented out by the Christian Life Movement

Me and a boy named Lucas, a grade 1 student at a school we visited.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Quick update

All is well!!!! Wednesday we are heading up the coast to Buzios for a vacation (lol), and will be flying to Argentina on Saturday. If there is any news, pleased email me at Praise God for the riches of His grace!! See y all soon.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Welcome to Brazil

Hey, all. I actually only have a few minutes to say all is well. The beaches of Rio de Janeiro are very beautiful. I think that I sweat off about ten pounds in the last two days- working hard carying sand, stones, and cement up 5 flights +/- to a community center, where we there have to mix concrete for the floor by hand; so, yes, I am very tired.

Unfortunately, I cannot access a USB port so there will be no pix this time. The group dynamic is great, and I am deepening relationships with old friends as well as building new ones (and yes, Cole, Mr. Larry is here with me- thaanks for asking dude!) God has given me opportunities to talk with people on a deeper level, and also to be open about my life and the grace He has shown to as well as the result this has had on my relationships. We have done some group activities to increase the depth of communication between people, and I would ask that you pray that the Lord would fill me with a boldness to show the greatness of His person in these opportunities.

People are yeling at me to go, so I have to sign off. Until then, I miss you all.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hola from Costa Rica

Hey amigos! Praise God for the safety He gave to get us all here. The weather is very humid. The raint season has just begun and it has rained every afternoon. Friday we had 5 one hour lectures, which was pretty intense for the brain.

In the evening we wwent to a BBQ for us with members of the Christian Life Movement. There we met a young Australian guy named Sam Clear. He is walking around the world praying for unity in the Body of Christ. So far he has walked over 3000 km, starting in Brazil. He faced much hostility in Venezuela, even having a shutgun in his face on 2 occasions. We met him today as well, and prayed together with him. Unfortunately, I do not have his website to post a link, but feel free to google him. I would like to ask you all to consider this matter in your prayers as well.

Sam (my right) in prayer for Christian unity

Today we went to the Paos Vulcano, which was prety cool. We also went to a waterfall, and toured a coffee plantation. It was a great day! (Sorry, I am on limited time here, so more later!) Ciao.

What a dude!

Vulcano Paos

Coffee plant

Monday, May 7, 2007

Birthday Bash!

Saturday was a crazy busy day for many individuals who helped out around the Van Dyk residence, in preparation for the party. Many thanks to all who helped out in various ways: Erik, Rachel, Brian, Julie, Mike, Greg, Josh, Heather, Renee, Rebecca, Jeanette, Eric (sorry if I forgot anyone!)

Erik and Josh building a deck around the pond!

Look at those pipes!

We had a great turnout for the B-B-Q . . .

over 80 people!

A little grease goes a long way!

Many thanks to all who donated to the oral hygiene campaign. The grand total to date is:
85 tubes of toothpaste
165 small tubes of toothpaste
145 toothbrushes
plus: dental floss, bandages, pencils, etc.
AND: about 50 lbs of pain killers compliments of The Medicine Shoppe!

Special thanks to Lois, Esther, Naomi, and Julia for their special donations!

I am awed and very grateful for your support, your friendship and your prayers. Our God truly is an awesome God! I look forward to seeing you all again, the Lord willing, in June!


Hola Amigos! As promised, here is my blog. I hope to keep all of you informed as to my comings and goings over the next few years, beginning with my mission trips to Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina and Peru, as well as my studies at Westminster Theological Seminary. Please keep me in your prayers. Hope you enjoy the adventure!